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4 Boscher fans

Where is this young gentleman taking this lovely young lady? This reminds us of a printed fan from the beginning of the 19th century which plays on the well-known symbolism of the bird... The young man drags the young woman under the trees, and she is still in possession of her bird. .. But her lover cries “I will have it!!!”

Coming out of the bush... the young lady no longer has her bird, and cries out without any chance of being granted: "Ah, give it back to me!"

There is no doubt that the Boscher fan that we are studying here is close to this theme!

These fans therefore belong to the genre of allusive fans, on the well-known theme (in France) of "the little bird that we put in a cage until the age of 16" (according to the song), and which, once given and flown away, is no longer found.

On this subject, French readers could for instance find in Trouvailles Dec 1990,  an article by Michel Maignan aboput the "love symbolism of the fan: the private bird"

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