III : Charles et Robert ascent


Much more publicity was given to the following flight, carried out starting from Tuileries Garden on December 1, 1783, with on board of the "nacelle" the renowned J.A.C. Charles, physicist and one of the brothers Robert, Nicolas (1761-1828), inventor of a paper machine. This balloon, always filled with hydrogen, had a fabric sphere gum covered in order to improve the sealing, and a valve made possible to control the height of the apparatus.

Click on the balloon to enlarge

The " launching pad " consisted of barrels containing the mixture giving rise to the hydrogen which filled up the envelope of the balloon. They were surveyed by the troop.

These details are visible, although somewhat simplified , on the various representations of the fan.



 In front of a huge crowd (some say 300 to 400 000 !), this balloon went up to 2000 feet, flew for two hours, and landed at Nesles, nearly at 40 kilometers

 As indicated by several authors (see special ballooning bibliography), between December 1783 and June 1785 (accidental death of Blanchard), the enthusiasm for the balloons ignited the populations of all the social classes.

The women themselves become crazy, reports Rivarol: " in all our circles, in all our suppers, with the toilets of our pretty wives, it is question only of experiment, atmospheric air, flammable gas, flying vehicles, air voyages. "


"Everybody wants a ballooning item. Fanmakers, hastlily, have fans prepared with such apparatus. Leaves matching all tastes and all purses are drawn. Often, hurrying, the painters add quickly a balloon in the sky of a landscape with lovers"

Here, a of Jouy fabric representing the episodes of the balloon of Gonesse and of the Charles and Robert

Ballon-click to enlarge !

Click for more "ballooning plates"

Upper "bourgeoisie" classes and nobility bought fans, engravings, boxes, even pieces of furniture or silver items with balloons. Lower classes had to do with earthware : Faïence de Nevers often, but also from other places (in England, Lambeth and Bristol will manufacture plates after Lunardi's ascent in September 1784)

However, Charles and Robert ascent was the more reproduced, having been quite early and very popular. Such pieces were manufactured for some time, mostly between 1784 and 1786, and this fashion came to an end.

Be careful : some fans may include balloons which have been added later, sometimes deceiving ones. 


zoom for details : click on the balloon !

However, what characterizes the fan here shown (HT 27,5 HF 13, 14+2), is that the craftsmen who manufactured it did not feel sufficient to add a balloon to a banal scene. The scene of the central cartouche remains conventional, although one distinguishes the Tuileries palace and although the child with its monocular testifies that the characters are there to admire the balloon.

But, more that all, the balloon decorates not only the leaf, but also the sticks.




Even the two guardsticks give very accurate details : you can see the hydrogen barrels under the ballon, where Charles and Robert move their flags (one let one fall down !) , and, above them, clouds, the moon and stars.


Click on the balloon !


be even more interesting : in the lateral vignettes, we are shown aeronautic equipment : compass, sphere, sky map, astrolabe, telescope.



IV : Space Odyssea beginnings.


 It is particularly interesting to note, on the representations of the guards as as well as in the central medallion of the sticks, the presence above the balloon of a line of clouds, then of the moon and finally of stars. With in addition the scientific objects illustrated in the cartridges of the leaf, the intention of the eventaillist (or of his customer?) appears clear : he is aware that it is a first step in the conquest of space.

Benjamin Franklin, a witness of these flights, was asked by skeptic asking "What is the interest of these experiments ?". He answered with wisdom : " " and how useful is a new born baby ?"

Many of us still can remember the general enthusiasm during the first flights around tour planet, or when looking at the first steps on the moon. Then they understand more easily how the first ascents in balloon could put in boiling all the society of that time, making even fans, seemingly futile objects, witnesses of the hope of humanity in mankind progresses, and perhaps, as this fan is a feminine accessory, a contribution to sex equality ?

As soon as 1784, the Ballonmania was speading in different parts of France (and other countries). The French "Cercle de l'Eventail" has issued an interesting note about a balloon which was launched in Nantes. We are authorised to reproduce it here (It is in French !)

 And we add also another very pleasant ballooning fan !


An that's all, folks. Thanks to all who give advices, make remarks, or even applaude ! That helps us to go further !

(And english speaking visitors are kindly requested to point out our language or "fanologic" mistakes !!!)


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