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Centenary of Aviation Special

In June 2009 as usual, the forty-eighth "Salon du Bourget sees  Airbus and Boeing comparing  their commercial successes, spies trying to surprise the secrets of the competitors, and the general public admiring the aircraft on  ground or flight. 

But 2009 is also an opportunity for celebrating  the hundredth anniversary of the first show, which took place in 1909 at the Grand Palais. Fans amateurs know that these years 1908/1910 which saw the real "taking off" of aviation saw numerous fans celebrating this new means of locomotion. 


affiche 1909

As soon as 1900 International Exhibition in Paris (left) a tethered balloon foreshadowed the conquest of the air to come. The first decade of the century saw a fantastic development of balloons ... and even more of   "heavier than air" aircraft. 1909 was a momentous year.
Without realizing here the serious study this topic deserves, we only want to mark the centenary by presenting some of our fans that we have for the occasion taken out of their drawers !

At first let us mention the 1909 Betheny airshow  (near Reims).


        (on consultera avec profit les pages spécialement dédiées à l'aviation du site des maisons de champagne  ( qui présente aussi nombre d'éventails, donc certains         proposés par nous)  

Below we see the famous Louis Blériot and Elise Deroche, said Baroness Raymonde de la Roche who was the  first licensed  airplane pilot woman  in the world.

Blériot et Baronne de La Roche

Let us continue with phantasmagorias designed for the beginnings of the hotel Knickerboker in New York 


This one gives also an important place to cars !


Finally, last but not least, let us evoke the beautiful  fans  Duvelleroy made  in those circumstances : they recall the conquest of the air since the Montgolfier brothers ...

ballons et lorgnette

Note the lens in the rivet ... to better observe the air vessels ! 

We take this opportunity to remind you that we have devoted several years ago a special page to a  1784 "ballooning" fan  We have added in 2008 and 2009 several informations, including an article from the "Cercle de l'Evenrail" about the "Suffren", a balloon launched in Nantes in april 1784.  So do not hesitate to click and pay a visit ! 

eand there is also a balloon in our  Ecole Centrale Fan

and in other fans as well, that may-be we shall have the opportunity of looking at some day !

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